Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Review: Crave

Crave Crave by Chelle Bliss
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

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📚Review: Crave: Men of Inked Sinners Prequel

🖋Author: Chelle Bliss

🖋Genre: Men of Inked Sinners, later in life romance, contemporary romance, light mc

⭐️Rating: 5/5

Tate: “Since turning thirty, I’ve sworn off three things.”

Wylder: “Tonight, I am more in the mood to beg for forgiveness than ask for permission.”

Crave is an excellent beginning to the Men of Inked Sinners! Tate and Wylder are wonderful together. That first kiss…WOW! I can’t wait to see what life has to offer them next. I am in love with Wylder’s two little girls. It’s not often that a man steps up as a single dad, willing to put his children first. But, Wylder proves to be a strong role model for this girls. And, Tate is his perfect match. Dealing with her own past, she also knows the challenges of being raised by a single parent. Plus, she’s amazingly strong and has a feisty attitude to match. 

I hope you enjoy the Gallo’s and all their extended family.

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