Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Review: Never Give Up

Never Give Up Never Give Up by Rue Lennox
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

đź“šReview: Never Give Up (Birch Harbor: Damaged Heroes Book 1)
đź–‹Author: Rue Lennox
đź–‹Features: Police Romance, Military Romance, Trigger Content
⭐️Rating: 4/5

I loved Maya and Brian. They were both damaged and struggling to come to terms with the trauma they’ve both experienced. For Brian, it was heart wrenching to watch this strong man, come home from a day at work only to walk into his worst nightmare. His grief and confusion is something that he has difficulty dealing with. Putting up so many walls, Brian can’t let himself get close to anyone, even Maya who he loves from a distance.

After surviving a horrific attack, Maya is now struggled to pull her life together, to trust herself and the friends who stand with her. Maya is a strong woman, determined to maintain her independence and not settle for anything less than she deserves. In spite of her fear, she hopes to move forward with or without Brian by her side. Although, she really hopes she and Brian can overcome their pain.

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