Tuesday, February 6, 2024

Review: Dare

Dare Dare by Chelle Bliss
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Dare is the 14th book in the Men of Inked: Heatwave series. Dare is Pike's younger brother who married into the Gallo family. The Gallo's are an amazingly protective and alpha family. They are incredible and Dare is no different.

Sage is the perfect blend of sassy and sweet to Dare's easy-going attitude. Their relationships is made more difficult when they discover that they're both in the service and must 'follow' the military's non-fraternization rule. While Sage opted out of Office Candidate school and took the enlisted path and Dare is a Navy SEAL, he finds away to keep seeing Sage, taking her on unofficial dates, calling/texting, and going on weekend trips.

Sage's cheeky mouth will fit right in with the Gallo family. It takes an incredibly strong and resilient woman to love a Gallo man.

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