Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Review: Flack

FlackFlack by Kris Michaels
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

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📚Review~ Flack (Guardian Security Shadow World Book 10)

Author~ Kris Michaels

⭐️Rating 5/5

Flack (Guardian Security Shadow World Book 10) is another fantastic addition to the Shadow series. I truly enjoyed Flack's story. His story is unique as he suddenly must decide whether to take on the responsibility of his orphaned niece. His career as a Shadow for Guardian Security however makes his decision difficult. But, Flack has an amazing support team for 'as long as it takes!'

One last mission in the field takes Flack and his niece's new nanny, Addy out of the country. I loved how Flack and Addy faced danger together, keeping the little girl they love safe. Addy, in spite of a career altering injury, is an amazing addition to Flack's instant family and Guardian Security.